Kanchanjunga Secondary Boarding School

Rules & Regulations

Rules are not restrictions, but guidelines for success.

The rules and regulations at Kanchanjunga Secondary Boarding School are designed to create a disciplined, respectful, and safe learning environment. They emphasize regular attendance, proper behavior, academic integrity, responsible use of technology, respect for school property, active participation in school activities, and positive communication. These guidelines help foster a well-rounded, responsible, and respectful student community.

  • Students must attend school regularly and arrive on time.
  • Absences must be justified with a valid reason and a note from a parent or guardian.
  • Late arrivals may result in disciplinary action.
  • Students are required to wear the prescribed school uniform at all times.
  • The uniform must be clean, neat, and properly maintained.
  • Any modifications or deviations from the uniform policy are not permitted.
  • Students must behave respectfully towards teachers, staff, and fellow students.
  • Bullying, harassment, or any form of disruptive behavior is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are expected to maintain discipline both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Cheating, plagiarism, or any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
  • Students must complete and submit their own work and assignments on time.
  • Collaboration on assignments is allowed only when explicitly permitted by the teacher.
  • Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed during school hours unless authorized by a teacher.
  • The use of school computers and internet resources must be for educational purposes only.
  • Any misuse of technology, including accessing inappropriate content, will result in disciplinary action.
  • Students are expected to take care of school property, including textbooks, equipment, and facilities.
  • Damaging or defacing school property will lead to consequences, including repair or replacement costs.
  • Students must keep their classrooms and the school premises clean and orderly.
  • Active participation in school events, sports, and extracurricular activities is encouraged.
  • Students must represent the school with pride and adhere to the school’s code of conduct during such events.
  • Participation in activities is compulsory unless excused by a valid reason.
  • Students should communicate politely and respectfully with peers, teachers, and staff.
  • Any issues or conflicts should be resolved peacefully and with the help of a teacher or counselor if necessary.
  • Gossip, rumor-mongering, or spreading false information is strictly prohibited.
  • Students must follow all health and safety guidelines, including hygiene practices.
  • The use of any harmful substances, including drugs and alcohol, is strictly forbidden.
  • In case of illness or injury, students should immediately report to the school’s medical room.
  • Parents are encouraged to participate in parent-teacher meetings and school events.
  • Communication between parents and the school should be respectful and constructive.
  • Parents must inform the school of any changes in contact information or student health issues.
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